Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What is Mobile 2.0 ?

What is Mobile 2.0 ?

The terms “Mobile 2.0″ and “Mobile Web 2.0″ are being thrown around these days quite a bit, but nobody has really put together a concise definition of what Mobile 2.0 is and how it differs from what has come before.We are missing a clear, concise definition.

According to Wikipedia Mobile 2.0, refers to a perceived next generation of mobile internet services including social networking sites and wikis, that emphasise collaboration and sharing amongst users. In essence it refers to bringing Web 2.0 services to the mobile internet.

Characteristics of Mobile 2.0

* Social networking on the mobile
* “Network as platform” — delivering (and allowing users to use) applications entirely through a mobile browser, or, for local applications, leveraging services on the web
* Extensive use of User-Generated Content, so that the site is owned by its contributors
* Leveraging services on the web via mashups
* Leveraging to its fullest all the capabilities of the device, and the mobile context, delivering a rich mobile user experience



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